Live Blogging Jersey Shore, Special Sunday Evening Edition

In order to get more people to watch the Video Music Awards, MTV is kicking it off with a new episode of Jersey Shore. The ploy is working, cause we're tuning in, and we'd like you to join us!
We don't give a fuck (really) about the VMAs, but we are going to be here to talk about Jersey Shore, the most important sociological experiment of our time, with all our friends. You can do it too! Tune your set to MTV at 7pm and if you have something to say about their shenanigans, type it in the white box at the bottom of this post and click "Share." You have just live blogged! If you see something funny or can answer someone's question, please replay to them. Be sure to keep refreshing the page so you can see all the new comments and the replies to your comments.
Just because this is the sabbath doesn't mean you won't have nothing to say about the show. In case you need some prodding, here are some things to discuss.
- Tonight we're supposed to get a visit from Vinny's (or someone else's?) Uncle Nino. He seems like a wonderful old guido. Which sitcom uncle does he remind you of the most? How many times do you think he's been an extra in a mob movie? Would you smoosh with him in the Jacuzzi?
- Sammi and Ronnie are seemingly back together and happy. How long will it take before Sammi is "done" again?
- Which of the Jersey Shore girls will wear the sluttiest outfit to the VMAs. It's gotta be JWOWW, right? Can Snooki do anything to outskank her?
- We all the kids like their booze a lot, but just what is DJ Paulie Druggie doing these days? Why has he been behaving like a crazy person? Is it because he's not getting any camera time?
Alright, kids, that's it for now. I might not be able to make it for tonight's festivities, and if I don't Jersey Shore live blog all-star Sheryl with an S will be doing hosting duties. Be nice to her, she's the one who's got all the free drink tickets!