Live Blogging Jersey Shore, Week 6

Do you want to watch a bunch of crazy people fight, hook up, and fight again? Do you want to make fun of them while they do it? Then be sure to join us for our Jersey Shore live blog.
Last week's episode really returned the greatest sociological experiment of our time to form. There was a Sammi/JWOWW altercation, Vinny hooked up with Snooki, and The Situation almost bedded a tranny. It was all awesome. We have high hopes for tonight as well, so join us and talk about the action while it happens.
Here's what to do. Turn your set to MTV at 10pm and we will too. As the show happens we'll be posting our questions, comments, and snide remarks about our eight favorite guidos in the comments section. You can too by typing something in that white box at the bottom of the post and clicking "Share." Congrats, you're live blogging. Be sure to keep refreshing the page to see the new comments and the replies to your comments.
If you don't know what to say, here are some things to look for:
- Last week's episode ended with Sammi hitting JWOWW in the face. We're pretty sure the actual punching is over, but you know the fight is going to drag on for a bit. Who do you think will come out on top, Sammi or JWOWW?
- From the promos it looks like Trash Bags is going to make out with Vinny in the back of a cab. Does she have a pathological desire to make out in cabs? Is Vinny blind? How did this happen?
- DJ Paulie Decrepit hasn't done one thing this whole season. Do you think he'll do something tonight?
- Here's the new rules for the drinking game: drink any time Snooki yells, Ronnie rages, they actually do something at work, or Sammi lies down in her bed. Any others we missed?
- Is Sammi actually "done"?
OK, that's it. See you in the comments!