Live Blogging Project Runway, Week 6

Spread the word: Project Runway is back! The show's quality dipped in recent seasons, but we thought last week's episode was one of the best ever. So join our live blog in the comments tonight and help celebrate the revival!
If you haven't joined us before, here's how to participate: Turn on the TV, tune it to Lifetime, wait for the show to start (at 9 pm Eastern), and then post quips and observations about what you see in the comments section below this post. You're also welcome to shout "hallelujah" if the spirit moves you. I did several times last Thursday, because the episode was a great one. First, there was the satisfying drama of the team challenge, which pitted a team full of the more smug-and-successful designers against a team of Mighty Ducks-like misfits, who showed us what it's like to be the underdog victorious! Then there was the drama of seeing bitch-team's leader, the supremely unlikeable Gretchen, squirm and stammer on the runway as the judges picked her and her team's designs apart. And finally there was the glorious moment when Tim Gunn delivered Team Smug a smackdown that dissed Gretchen to her face! We were in awe. It was all so satisfying, that even Lifetime's horrible commercials—such as a Maxi-Pad riding a mechanical bull—couldn't ruin it.
Here are a few random commenting highlights from the evening:
- When Tim Gun said that Casanova's look needed to be "youthened up," tipsy_hausfrau quipped: "youthened or euthanized?"
- We came up with several new nicknames for Gretchen, such as "Wretchen" (from Cunning_Linguist), "Bitchen" (from CaptainSnarky) and "She Who Won't Shut Up" (from yours truly). Also, as Brian Moylan suggested in his recap last week, I thought of another new moniker for Gretchen, based on her villainy and the "Luxe" name she gave her team: "Luxe Luthor."
- Commenter Old Ocho offered this opinion of Gretchen: "She may sound like a bitch and act like a bitch, but don't let that fool you … she really is a bitch.
- Susan B. Awesome observed that any time Michael Kors says "quite frankly …," something memorably catty is sure to follow.
- Doctorzizmor summed up Tim's episode-ending rant thusly: "Gretchen Gunned Down."
And there were many more great quips where those came from. As usual, I've created a a selection of my favorites, so check that out when you get a chance.
If tonight's episode is half as good as last week's, we're in for another good one. Here's a few things to watch for tonight, based on a few highlight clips I've seen:
- When Tim first meets Gretchen again in the workroom, it looks like the awkward tension will be so thick, you could cut it with a pair of pinking shears. I can't wait!
- Andy will sport a radical new hairstyle that will make him look like an extra from the film Drums Along the Mohawk.
- The challenge will be a twist on the "wedding dress reinvention" idea from Season 6—only this time, they'll be using old bridesmaid's dresses instead of wedding gowns. This is the season's obligatory "design for real women" episode, by the way, so expect the usual designer freak-outs over having to actually clothe a non-rail-thin human being.
OK, gang, time to get this revival meeting started. I'll meet you down in the big commenting tent below!