Live Blogging Top Chef, Week 12

Welcome to our live blog for the newly-minted Emmy winner Top Chef. If they gave trophies for TV show live-blogging, I think the folks who create this one would win it hands-down. Why not aspire to greatness and join us?
Here's all you need to do: 1. Position your computer or laptop within viewing range of your TV. 2. Tune the latter to Bravo. 3. In the comments section below, post a running commentary on the show when it starts at 10 pm Eastern. The rest of us will do the same. That way, everyone has fun, and everyone's a winner!
Speaking of winners—there were many winning moments during last week's live blog. Highlights included the following:
- When commenter pjsparkles26 asked what gnocchi is, commenter rebeccarose replied: "It's like if pasta had an awkward one-night stand with a potato."
- We agreed that Amanda's tuna tartare was an inappropriate—if not downright un-American—thing to serve in a baseball stadium. Commenter pajamarama described it as "tartarded."
- We noticed that Eric Ripert does not like "fatty slobs of bacon." In fact, I suspect that he doesn't like fatty slobs, period.
- When Amanda got the boot, commenter philtastic said: "please pack your Valtrex and go" – which gave commenter belltolls, who likes Amanda, one last opportunity to remind us that that thing on her lip is probably just a mole.
As usual, I've assembled a "highlights" post containing many more of my favorite comments from last week's live blog, so be sure to go take a look at that when you get a chance. Also, be sure to keep a lookout for the following moments during tonight's episode:
- In another "high stakes" quickfire challenge, the winner will receive a six-day trip to London. In keeping with the prize's U.K. theme, Padma will show up for the challenge dressed like an English schoolboy.
- Two astronauts floating in the International Space Station will describe tonight's elimination challenge, which involves creating tasty space food sticks or something. It was hard to pay attention to the details when I watched the preview clip, because the female astronaut had a very distracting case of "space hair."
- The guest judge will be former star-voyager and Dancing with the Stars star Buzz Aldrin, who will probably make stilted puns about food that is "stellar" and "out of this world." In fact, I propose we drink every time anyone makes a space pun tonight. Call it the "space pun rule."
OK cybernauts, it's nearly 10—time to start the countdown and get this live-blog launched. See you in the comments!