What's New on Netflix Now That Their Epix Deal Is Live

Recently, Netflix signed a deal with Epix to bring some new Paramount, MGM, and Lionsgate movies to the Instant Watch library. Today, September 1st, that deal goes live. So what's new?
Star Trek (2009)
Stardate: 2009. Captain's log. J.This year, J.J. Abrams set out to reimagine the Star Trek universe for the lens flare generation. Throwing the old Star Trek off a cliff like a vintage Corvette, this movie does away with everything you knew about Star Trek (minus some delightful fanservice) and reimagines the entire universe. Literally. With Chris Pine filling the pivotal role of Captain Kirk, and Sylar Zachary Quinto as the emotionally challenged science officer, Abrams' new approach to Star Trek is just the kind of blockbuster Netflix has been needing.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
David Fincher directs this movie featuring a man who, defying convention and the laws of physics, continues to get more physically attractive the older he gets. That man plays a character named Benjamin Button who, coincidentally, also ages backwards. Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett head up this drama that challenges the ideas of love, age, beauty and memory.
Iron Man
Robert Downey Jr., explosions, giant robots, fighter jets, and a kick ass sountrack. Really, what more could you want from a superhero movie? The first Iron Man joins the ranks of Netflix' streaming library. If you can't get enough of Downey Jr.'s wit and charisma, can't wait for Tron: Legacy to see Jeff Bridges again, or feel, as you've adamantly blogged time and again, that Terrance Howard is superior to Don Cheadle in every way, then this addition should make you more than happy.
G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra
Let's be clear. This is a popcorn flick, no questions asked. Dennis Quaid, Marlon Wayans, and Sienna Miller among many others head up this adaptation of the 80s cartoon adaption of the 60s action figure franchise. When you say it like that, you don't really expect much, and that's ok. The movie is cheesy, campy even at times, but if you were looking to see your childhood toys in cooler costumes blow stuff up without having to think too hard, you came to the right place.
The Godfather Trilogy
This should go without saying. The classic mafia family trilogy should be on everyone's must-watch list. And now, Netflix has made you an offer you can't refuse. All three installments of this series, featuring greats like Al Pacino, Diane Keaton, Robert Duvall, and Marlon Brando, are now available for Instant Watch.
The New Netflix
Netflix plunked down a billion dollars for the new additions to the library they featured today. Was it worth it? Time will tell. Admittedly, the new arrivals are a little more sparse than one would expect for the price tag (notable Epix headliner Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, for example, is conspiciously absent), but there's some lovely new gems added that make the Netflix Instant Watch library even more of a value than it was before.

Eric is a video enthusiast and a writer currently living in Atlanta. When he's not attending showings of obscure movies in tiny art houses, or watching the biggest blockbusters open at midnight, he spends his time writing about and satirizing anything and everything online, from gadgets to movies to politics. Whether in the comments or the blogs, you'll find him crafting some kind of witticism.