How Do You Like Your Testicles Cooked?

Today in the Serbian village of Ozrem the seventh annual World Testicle Cooking Championship took place, where, as you've probably guessed, people cooked and ate testicles. One of the more popular dishes? "Bulls' testicles" cooked "goulash style." Yum.
There were also kangaroo balls available! The AP describes a great place to visit if you're a daring foodiot:
The festival — which includes dishes like testicle pizza and testicles in bechamel sauce flavored with a variety of herbs found in the region.
Visitors eat the dishes with plenty of wine or beer, and cool themselves in a small mountain river that flows beside the makeshift cooking stands blasting folk music. The stalls also sell roasted pig or lamb, "as a side dish."
[Image and video via AP]