Live Blogging Jersey Shore, Week 5

How many times will Sammi and Ronnie break up tonight? And how much longer are we going to care? Let us debate it as a group, during our weekly Jersey Shore live blog. You might even find true love!
Well, maybe not, but you will definitely have a few laughs. What we do is we all watch the show together, starting at 10pm on MTV. Then we leave our reaction to the shenanigans in the comments section below. How do you do that? We'd love to tell you! Type your pithy remarks in the little white box at the bottom of the post, then click share. Congratulations, you're live blogging! Be sure to reply to other people's comments and keep refreshing the page so you can see the new comments and the replies to your comments.
This is just going to be like second grade when you decorated little folders with construction paper hearts and you had to drop little Valentine's cards into the folders of every other person in the class—even the girls (ew)! Just like it was hard talking to people as a kid, sometimes we need things to discuss in the live blog. Here are some potential topics.
- Piggy backing on a game they played in last week's episode, which two of the cast members would you want to have a threeway with. Whoever comes up with the best answer wins a prize!
- So, are Sammi and Ronnie broken up or are they together? Do we even know anymore? Count the number of times they fight tonight.
- Snooki and JWOWW left Sammi their anonymous note at the end of the last episode. How do you think that's going to go over? How many times do you think Sammi will be "done" with Ronnie this episode.
- Moving on to our other castmates, which of the boys will get laid first: Vinnie, The Situation, or DJ Paulie Dong? Each time they make out with a girl, you have to do a shot. That's how we play the Jersey Shore drinking game boys and girls!
Alright, the episode is about to start! We'll love you long time in the comments—well, at least until 11 when the show is over.