Here's a trailer for AMC's upcoming drama? horror? drorror? series The Walking Dead, a zombie apocalypse story based on the popular graphic novel series. This trailer premiered at Comic Con a while back, but this is the official public release.

Yes. A zombie television series. Like, new zombies, every week, for 13 (or so) weeks. It's almost too good to be true! Plus there's the Frank Darabont pedigree and the interesting casting of Andrew Lincoln, who famously (to me at least) played the Sweater-Zip Dido Song character in Love, Actually. And the story (OK, I've only read the first in the series) is solid — it's scary and bracing, but it's not solely about zombies. It's a survival story and a family story and a microcosm of society and all that stuff.

And this trailer displays all of that pretty well. The reel has a strange lightness or wit to it that leads me to believe I won't be terrified every week, which is probably a good thing. But it does look plenty scary, with shambling, perfectly made-up zombies and a stripped-lens finish to the camerawork. Plus, good music!

I don't want to get all over-hypey about this, but I think this show is gonna be good.

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