Season two of Jon Glaser's Delocated premiered on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim by changing from a "silly comedy" to a "silly drama" according to a new Russian assassin who is hellbent on breaking Jon's spirit.

Delocated follows a protected witness named Jon as he films a reality show in New York City. During the first season, an aspiring comedian/ hit man named Yvgeny (Eugene Mirman) was unsuccessful in killing Jon. For the second season, Yvgeny's brother Sergei plans to attack the people in Jon's life, necessitating a new protection plan.

[There was a video here]

The second season also brought some other new faces, like television producer Mighty Joe Jon The Black Blonde (Jerry Minor) and Yvgeny's good friend, Todd Barry.

[There was a video here]

Critics and comedians love Delocated and the switch to a full half hour can help the show develop at a pace more familiar to viewers. Between Jon's decoys, his girlfriend's interest in the decoys, Jon's out-of-Witness-Protection family, and Sergei's desire to destroy everything Jon holds dear, Delocated is diving into its new silly drama status with gusto.