Questions are swirling around the quickly withdrawn arrest warrant for Wikileaks founder Julian Assange on suspicion of rape. Serious questions. But we have a less serious question: Does Julian Assange really get as much action as this episode suggests?

Assange was in Sweden last week seeking help in hosting his secret-sharing website's servers. During this time, he met two women who would later accuse him of "rape and molestation". The rape charge was quickly dropped, but an investigation continues into the molestation/sexual harassment charge. And according to one of Assange's accusers, his position as an enigmatic, globe-trotting whistleblower affords him a level of attention from women usually reserved for rock bands and professional athletes.

In a new interview with the Swedish tabloid Expressen, the woman says she initially contacted Assange because she had been following reports of Wikileaks' important Afghanistan document leak and wanted to help the organization, "if there was something to do." In fact Julian Assange had a special task for her: Go on a date with Julian Assange. They had lunch, went to a movie and agreed to speak on the phone later.

Assange then went on to a "crayfish party" that night, where he met the other accuser and allegedly "molested" her, according to our Google-translated article. A couple days later, the first woman met up with Assange again. They walked around Stockholm for a bit, then took the train to the woman's apartment, where the second alleged incident occurred. (The woman claims she consented to sex with Assange that night but "was careful to set boundaries when they were intimate." The next day, she says he crossed those boundaries.)

Creep or not, it appears Julian Assange has that of which few nerds even dare to dream: Swedish groupies. Women go wild for radical transparency.

[Picture of Julian Assange by Getty]