Oh, Pulpo Paul, how we've missed you! We've missed your cute tentacles; your handsome, bulbous head; your psychic prowess. You'd retired, but now you're back, and we couldn't be happier. That's right, ladies and gentlemen, Paul has pulled a Favre.

So, what caused Paul to return from retirement? He's throwing his support behind England's bid to host the 2018 World Cup! But wait, isn't Paul German? That's what you'd think, but—as it turns out—while Paul has spent most of his life in Germany, he's actually an Englishman, and his patriotism is cited as the reason for his return to the spotlight.

More details, courtesy Sky News:

It was thought his predicting days were behind him but the eight-legged oracle has come out of retirement to help his homeland.

Paul was hatched at the Sea Life Centre in Weymouth but has recently been living in Oberhausen, Germany.
It was there that he correctly predicted the outcome of eight consecutive World Cup matches, dooming Germany's hopes when he plumped for Spain in the semi-final and then also in the final.

But his patriotism was put to the test this week and the cephalopod has made his country proud by picking the England 2018 box.

"Paul has spent the last two years of his life in Germany, but he is definitely a proud Englishman and is therefore delighted to put his support behind England 2018," Weymouth Sea Life Centre manager Nicola Hamilton said.

"We have had a number of football approaches from around the world but Paul was only ever going to choose his homeland."

Paul joins other celebrities including David Beckham, Prince William and Lewis Hamilton who are all helping with the 2018 campaign.

John Barnes, fellow England 2018 Ambassador, said: "Paul the Octopus is undoubtedly one of the biggest names in football so news of him becoming an official England 2018 Ambassador is tremendous for the Back the Bid campaign."

Following his rise to fame this summer, Paul has been approached about book and merchandising deals and is also set to appear in a film.

It's good to have you back, old friend.

[Sky News]