Live Blogging Project Runway, Week 4

It's "hat night" on Project Runway—so fetch your best millinery and join us in the comments for our latest live blog. And if you don't have a hat, just pretend you do. We can't see you anyway!
In case you haven't live-blogged with us before, here's what to do: Turn on Lifetime, wait for the show to start (at 9 pm Eastern), and then post witty remarks about what you see in the comments section below. That's all there is to it! You'll be an expert in no time.
Speaking of expertise, we all know there is no higher master of the pithy put-down than Michael Kors, who impressed us greatly last week with his "transvestite flamenco dancer at a funeral" quip. But you live-bloggers posted a few good Kors-style runway put-downs (KSRPs) yourselves—so good, in fact, I've decided to conduct another "best KSRP" poll like the one we had two weeks ago. Here's a list of nominees from our last live blog:
- Yatcho (on Gretchen's dress): "Like a cheerleader lost her pants and had to replace them with pom-poms."
- sweet_communist (on Casanova's) "R2D2 in a dominatrix ballgown."
- robina the first (on Michael D.'s) "Like a costume from a grade school production of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy."
- ms.attitude (on Sarah's): "Palms Springs meets Mr. Roboto."
So vote in the comments for your favorite KSRP from the list above, and I'll tally the results and post the winner next week. Also, when you get a chance, check out the other great comments from last week's live blog.
On to tonight's episode—I called it "hat night" because the guest judge is Philip Treacy, creator of fantastic designer head gear. The designers must each create a look to go with one of Treacy's "hats"—although to be technical, I feel I should point out the many of them are actually "fascinators" rather than hats. Here are some facts about fascinators. I find them fascinating! I was also fascinated by the "sneak peek" clips I saw from tonight's episode, which revealed the following:
- Ivy is back, and looks fine — so whatever malady sent her to the hospital last week apparently wasn't serious. The E.R. probably just infused her with a little plant food and sent her on her way.
- Mondo will say of the fabrics in Mood, "I think they all have voices, and I'm hearing them." I hope this isn't like that moment when the dog started talking in Summer of Sam. I like Mondo and want him to hang around, so I'd prefer that he not have a complete psychotic break just yet.
- Kristin will complain that the Treacy hat she has to work with "looks like a great big vagina." Now that's what I call a fascinator!
- Heidi will walk out on the runway wearing a rose hat, to the strains of her husband Seal's song "Kissed by a Rose." Maybe next time, in honor of her latest hairstyle, they should play "Crazy" or "People Asking Why."
- Drinking-game rule update: Drink when you hear the following words and phrases tonight: 1. "booty shorts" 2. "old hat" 3. "matchy matchy" 4. "diaper" 5. "walking sex!"
OK, time to put on our snarking caps—it's showtime! See you in the comments!