We received a tip from Kayla, a reader who got a strange letter in the mail that includes details about Comet, the Tanner Family's dog from Full House. TV fans, we present the evidence to you in hopes of answers.

A Full House mystery landed in my mailbox yesterday afternoon and I thought Gawker might be able to help me crowd-source an answer.

Yesterday I received an unmarked letter from San Francisco that included a 1-page bio about Comet, Michelle Tanner's dog on "Full House." See attached picture, which includes the letter and the mysterious envelope addressed to my apartment. No return address, NOTHING.

The only thing I did discover that the text on Comet is obviously pulled verbatim from this site: http://fullhouse.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_Full_House_characters

I don't know anyone in San Francisco, I'm just your average Full House fan, and I don't own a dog.

I posted something today on Facebook and Twitter, all to no avail. Lots of good jokes, though.

Seriously, what does this mean? I am so confused and it's been bugging the crap out of me all day. Michelle Tanner keeps staring back at me with those creepy eyes and I still don't know what the hell this means.

Maybe Gawker can help me get to the bottom of this? :)

Here's the letter:

So, Gawker.TV readers: do you have any leads? Is this a practical joke or is poor Comet being held by a stranger somewhere and this is the only clue? For good measure, here's a fan-made video of Comet's best Full House moments.