Today at Gawker.TV, what Will Ferrell won't do for a laugh, Jon Stewart dismantles criticism against the repeal of Prop 8, Bethenny Frankel's sage nanny, and the Seinfeld remix to a Lady Gaga song that will drive Jerry Seinfeld nuts.

Jon Stewart Karate Chops Every Single Argument Against Prop 8 Overturn
The Daily Show last night took its role as steward of sanity in the insane world of politics extra seriously last night, dismantling every piece of criticism the H8ers leveled at the judgment. Also, it's hilarious.

Will Ferrell Reveals the Things He Won't Do For a Movie
Lopez Tonight had the ultra-promoting Will Ferrell on tonight to talk The Other Guys, and Will got candid about the lines he's had to cross for the sake of being insanely hilarious. Boulder sacks included.

Lady Gaga's "Telephone" Video, Starring the Seinfeld Cast
Jerry Seinfeld may not be a Lady Gaga fan, but—in this original video by Sarah aka globochem—he and the rest of the Seinfeld cast make up a pretty damn decent version of the pop diva's "Telephone" music video.

Stephen Colbert's Plan to Foil Gay Marriage is Suspiciously Gay
We all knew a NeoCon like Stephen would take special exception to the reversal of Prop 8 earlier this week. Watch him explain his "long con", which is only topped in genius by a heart-wrenching emotional breakdown.

Bethenny Frankel's Fierce Nanny Lectures Her On "Men and Their 'Swingin' D*cks'"
Bethenny Getting Married? has shown us that Bethenny's nanny, Gina, is the shit. Jason comments that Bethenny's body looks great after pregnancy and Gina proceeds to remind Bethenny to keep an eye on him because "men are stinkers, you know?"