After sitting through Michaele Salahi going on about her spat with Whoopi Goldberg, the rest of the Real Housewives of D.C. cast put it all out there—they're sick and tired of hearing about it. Awkward video inside!

Here's part one, where Cat says "this is a show about five people, not one couple." However, it's time for a commercial break so the trash-talking comes to a close.

[There was a video here]

Or so we thought! The ladies dive right back into the Salahi-bashing as soon as they're back from a break. One of the women says she's known Michaele for fifteen years and once had a friendship. Another doesn't even like being associated with her or around her at all. And she's a cheat! How does Michaele take it? She tells the ladies that they're "sooo angry and jealous."

[There was a video here]

So, this just about seals the deal. Michaele Salahi takes the "craziest housewife" prize away from Kelly Bensimon. Congrats!