Barack Obama's Year of Going Gray
Today is Barack Obama's 49th birthday! Yesterday he told reporters that he's gotten a lot more gray hair in the past year. For his birthday, we decided to put together a photo comparison for him. Sweet of us, no?

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The two shots on the left in the photo above are of Obama right around his birthday last year; the two pictures on the right are of him from a week ago. As you can see, he wasn't kidding. He's looking a lot more, ahem, "distinguished." The president's changing hair color has been noted in the past, of course. But it does seem to have gotten more pronounced over the past year, hasn't it?
Is it because of his age? Is it the stress of the job? Who knows. But we'll assume that Rahm Emanuel will be leaving a box of Just for Men on the President's desk today if he hasn't done so already.