Dude Just Reads College Sex Columns All Day

Daniel Reimold is a journalism professor who's spent the last several years talkin' sex talk to sex-talkin' young coeds who write sex columns in college newspapers. Daniel hates how sex column coverage is "an inch deep," that's what she said.
Daniel's writing a whole sexxxy book called Sex and the University—only $19.95, cheap! Inside Higher Ed interviewed Daniel, who proved to be a fiery thinker.
"As one columnist told me, 'We're in the trenches with other students.'" MMM HMM. "A majority define themselves as student journalists, beholden to the same reporting philosophy as others in their newsrooms – observe, interview, interact, follow-up, triple-check, and share with the world." TRIPLE CHECKIN U GURL CAN U TAKE IT? "Collegiate couplings exist, columns note, but they skip the courting period, rushing from straight sex to hardcore commitment at a blistering pace." MY COMMITMENT SO HARDCORE IT MAKE U BLISTER. "Overall, male and female columnists generally tackle the same topics with the same dry wit." NOTHING DRY ABOUT THIS GURL. "They are coining an astonishing number of terms and defining acts, issues, and trends that previously had no name or no scrutiny outside of campus bars, house parties, and darkened dorm rooms." GURL U KNOW THE ACT I'M TALKIN BOUT. "And they are not a slippery slope toward an anarchic, X-rated college press." THAT'S WHERE U WRONG CAUSE IT GETS SLIPPERY INDEED. "College media are filling in the Grand Canyon-sized gap in this coverage." THAT'S RIGHT.
We demand a clumsily-handled attempted censorship of this book at once.