Live Blogging Jersey Shore, Season Two

We have waited and prayed for this day to come and now it is finally here. The return of Jersey Shore! What better way to celebrate than by joining us in our live blog to talk shit about the show!
That's how we do this here live blog thing. Everyone's going to be watching together when the show starts at 10pm on MTV. When you have violent and humorous reactions to what happens on screen, type it in the box you see at the bottom of this post and click "share." You have now told the whole world exactly how you feel. Be sure to keep refreshing the page so you can see everyone else's comments and the replies to your own comments. It's like watching the show while sitting in a giant living room full of the funniest people on Earth!
Here are some things to consider while watching tonight's broadcast:
- As has been widely publicized, the kids are now in Miami rather than on the, you know, Jersey Shore. How do their digs compare to their Italian-flag infested former house? Is there a duck phone? What's the deal.
- Angelina, who we call Trash Bags, is returning to the show after ditching in the third episode of last season. We haven't really missed her, but her return should make for some great drama.
- Sammi and Ronnie have broken up since last year. How is that going to go?
- Who's going to be the first one to get in a fight? Who is going to be the first to hook up? Who is going to be the first to drown in his own vomit after a night of alcohol poisoning.
- Speaking of alcohol poisoning, do we have to come up with some sort of drinking game should we concoct for this season?
Alright, honorary guidos and guidettes, the show starts soon, so lets get fist pumping in the comments section!