Frustrated House Democrats Hold Senate 'Sit-In'

House Democrats have passed 10 billion bills in the last year, only to watch them die in America's plutocratic cigar lounge, the Senate. Now some House Dems are pissed enough to sit-in on the Senate and stare at senators, angrily.
The Democrats House-Senate frustrations have been visible throughout this Congress, but it may have been yesterday's successful Senate filibuster of the Democrats' DISCLOSE Act — a campaign finance disclosure law they offered as a minor, constitutional rein on the corporate spending faucets opened up in last year's Citizens United Supreme Court case — that sparked this... very small... sit-in.
Six House members crossed the Capitol to stage a "sit-in" in the Senate chamber to protest what they believe to be GOP obstruction of jobs legislation.
These House Democrats sat quietly in the back of the chamber and were approached by both Majority Whip Dick Durbin of Illinois and Republican Sen. Bob Bennett of Utah, who shook the hands of the upper chamber visitors.
Democratic Reps. Donna Edwards of Maryland, Carolyn Kilpatrick of Michigan, Danny Davis of Illinois, Ed Perlmutter of Colorado, Gwen Moore of Wisconsin and Jackie Speier of California seated themselves in the area from which Senate staffers ordinarily watch their bosses on the floor.
Nothing really came of the silent protest.
Maybe seven would've done the trick?
The Senate really needs to do something about the fact that its 60-vote filibuster rule blocks all ability to govern when you have a minority party acting in bad faith. But then that would prevent conservative Dems like Joe Lieberman and Ben Nelson from holding all power within a large majority party, wouldn't it? Can't happen.