Looking for something new to read? Why not one of the 14 13 books on the "longlist" for the prestigious Man Booker Prize for fiction? Some of them probably even have sex scenes!

Not all of these are available in the U.S. yet, but if you're anything like me you're just going to look up the plot summaries on Amazon and pretend that you've read them:

  • Peter Carey Parrot and Olivier in America
  • Emma Donoghue Room
  • Helen Dunmore The Betrayal
  • Damon Galgut In a Strange Room
  • Howard Jacobson The Finkler Question
  • Andrea Levy The Long Song
  • Tom McCarthy C
  • David Mitchell The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet
  • Lisa Moore February
  • Paul Murray Skippy Dies
  • Rose Tremain Trespass
  • Christos Tsiolkas The Slap
  • Alan Warner The Stars in the Bright Sky

[Man Booker Prizes]