Comment of the Day: Elisabeth Hasselbeck Becomes an American Hero

Today we put our heads in our hands and read the news that Barack Obama will guest on The View this week. One commenter used their Dead Zone-esque prognosticating powers to reveal what horrible events will unfold at the taping.
We all know how this will go down: Some crazed gunman will pull away from the studio audience mani/pedi to take a shot at Obama, thereby activating Hasselbeck's patriotic zeal to autodestruct, and she will rise to the President's defense to take the bullet. Fox News will run captions like "Kenyan drives unemployed (but would be blue collar if he had a job, we assure you) father of twelve to accidentally kill Christian Blonde". She and her assassin will become martyrs and the damn Tea Party will sweep the November elections. Don't do it, POTUS!!!