Tina Fey tries in vain to turn embarrassing Will Ferrell into dashing Brad Pitt. Just like when they were on Saturday Night Live together, it doesn't work.

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This photographer saw some Phoenix-on-Phoenix action and the rest of the world just went fuzzy.

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"He will make an excellent gift to our Emperor."

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Sadly, this bus was not trying to run over David Hasselhoff.

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"Jesus, Seth, if you grab my ass one more time, I swear to God I will blow your fucking head off."

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If you show up dressed as Quailman, then you are just awesome.

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To prove their time travel device worked, the engineers from Mythotech went back into 1994 and brought back the coolest entertainment product of the time.

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The Pied Piper of Hamlin showed up to lead all the beautiful, dumb people to a place where they would be more comfortable.

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We told you not to eat that chili cheese dog, bro.

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"Guys, for the last time, I am not really Lara Croft!"

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This staunch supporter of Team Edward ran into a pack of roving Team Jacob supporters. This is the result.

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These San Diego area teens were just going about their normal Friday when they realized there was a convention in town.

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The annual proof that Stan Lee is indeed still alive and not a hologram produced by Marvel Studios.

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Oh God, Michael Cera, what ever are we going to do with you?

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This girl heard there was a Lady Gaga concert and was disappointed to find only a bunch of nerds, because she had made cookies for her idol.

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A new superhero group called The Kardashians announced their existence to the world. You are looking at their super powers.

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Wow, they sure do start young these days.

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Behold, the queen walks among you!

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After being kicked out of Comic-Con, these two learned that not even dorks like clowns.

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The audience at one star-studded panel decided to all wear their 3-D glasses so that the celebrities looked more "real."

[Photo via Getty]