Yesterday, Disorder magazine claimed that 16-year-old Taylor Momsen told them that "her best friend is her vibrator." Perez Hilton wrote a post about it, but changed "vibrator" to "dildo." Momsen clarified via Twitter, and then things got really, really twisted.

Here's how it all went down.

Cut to yesterday: excerpts from Momsen's interview with Disorder magazine started to trickle out. Most notably among them was the following snippet, which the magazine claimed was an indirect quote from Momsen on dating:

[Momsen] also grins when asked if she's single, and replies that she is, that she's not into guys, waits a beat, then adds she's not gay but just bored of men and her best friend is her vibrator.

Shortly thereafter, Perez Hilton put up a post on his web site with the headline, "16 Year Old Taylor Momsen Can't Live Without Her Dildo!!"

Apparently, Momsen wasn't happy about Hilton's choice of words, so she shot him the following note on Twitter:

@perezhilton its a vibrator not a dildo..big differenceless than a minute ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®


A "Twitter War" (the term is so dumb, but whatever) then erupted between Hilton and Momsen, eventually devolving into Hilton saying things to the teen star that make even the fact that he linked to a crotch shot of Miley Cyrus (which he defended vehemently) look tame.

Here's how Hilton responded to Momsen via Twitter this afternoon:

@taylormomsen Instead of a vibrator, what you need is THIS than a minute ago via web

Perez Hilton

Just in case you didn't click on the TwitPic link embedded in Hilton's tweet, here's the (possibly NSFW) image that it brings you to (complete with the caption, "For Taylor Momsen"):

Nice, right? Momsen was as disgusted by Hilton's suggestion as most others probably were, and she fired back with this a few hours later:

@PerezHilton wow, are you actually referencing fisting a 16 year old girl? If you add this to tweeting Miley's panties I'd say enjoy jailless than a minute ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®


Not content, of course, with ending things there, Hilton then went on to twitter the following message to momsen, in which he compares her to a middle-aged hooker:

@taylormomsen You're acting more like a 40-year old hooker than a 16-year-old girl! #AttentionWhoreless than a minute ago via UberTwitter

Perez Hilton

OK, yes, a 16-year-old—and especially one who has already taken so much flak for acting "too grown up" at times—probably shouldn't be talking about vibrators in an interview.

That said, what the hell is Hilton thinking and why the hell is he allowed to get away with things like this? This is the SECOND example in a month of his use of sexual/vulgar language and images to/about teenage girls with absolutely no consequences attached—what will it take for people to finally realize how disgusting this behavior is and, hopefully, stop visiting his web site? At the very least, shouldn't some of his advertisers (besides The View, which already did) stop giving him money?


[] [] [Taylor Momsen's Twitter] [Perez Hilton's Twitter] [TwitPic]