Live Blogging Top Chef, Week 5

Feeling crabby? Join our live blog of Top Chef and your mood will improve in no time! You won't want to miss this episode: Not only will they cook crabs, but one chef will confess that he had crabs once!
That's what the preview clip showed, anyway—and by "crabs," he did not appear to be referring to the edible variety. But I'll explain more about that in the "things to watch for" section below. First, allow me to quickly run through how this live blog works for the sake of any newbies out there: The party happens in the comments section below this post, where anyone is welcome to join in: Just tune into the show (which starts a 9 Eastern on Bravo), and start posting comments about what you see and replying to comments about what other people see. Don't forget to keep refreshing the page to see all the good, new stuff. It's that simple!
To get a feel for how it works, check out this selection of my favorite comments from our last live blog. Other highlights from last week's get-together included these:
- Commenters had fun naming all the things the chefs put in their "baby food" dishes that that real babies either wouldn't or shouldn't eat, including couscous, honey (botulism risk!), peppers, duck, spice-wrapped pork loin and—worst yet- fenugreek, an herb used to stimulate lactation. Basically, this group should just be kept the hell away from babies.
- Some of us were puzzled as to why the judges were sharing bowls during the elimination judging. Whatever the reason, I'm sure it wasn't the first time that Padma Lakshmi shared a bowl with someone.
- I was impressed by guest judge Beth Scott's job title: "Hilton Worldwide Vice President of Restaurant Concepts." From now on, I'd like my own title to be "Gawker Worldwide Vice President of Live Blog Concepts." [Ed. note: permission granted]
- In a strange and illogical three-part elimination challenge, "Team Bad Hair" (as commenter Sugar Boots called them) finished poorly twice and got rewarded with a trip to Europe. The convoluted challenge also ended up knocking out one of our favorite chefs, Arnold, so it was a pretty sucky one all-around. Commenter Old Ocho described it as "a stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid challenge" — which sounds about right to me.
I have high hopes, however, that we'll see less stupidity on tonight's episode. Based on what I saw on Bravo's preview clips, here are a few "things to watch for" as we live blog tonight:
- Padma will introduce a crustacean-themed quickfire challenge by telling the chefs, "Today, you've got crabs!" But Angelo will not find this joke funny. Why? "Well, I had crabs," he'll explain to us. "So …it just brought back bad memories." You may think I'm joking, but I'm actually not making that up. TMI, Angelo! TMI!
- The chefs will go to an "organic, humane farm" in Virginia. I think the "humane" must be a synonym for "slave-free" – one of those post-civil-war innovations in Virginia farming.
- The guest judge will be chef Patrick O'Connell, who—according to Wikipedia—is known as the "Pope of American Cuisine." His formal title is Pope Eggs Benedict II. OK, I lied. That's not really his title, but it should be.
All right, cyber-creatures—it's time to get our claws on a drink and prepare to live-blog. I'll see you down in the comments!