This new feature will introduce you to our fantastic team of bright and eager interns. Today we have an interview with Michelle Cacciatore.

How did you learn about the Gawker.TV internship program?
I was a huge fan of the site and had a friend who knew someone who was working there. After I recently graduated college I thought I'd give it a try.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
Dream life? Writing for the New Yorker with a side job of being an ice cream flavor developer. In reality? A journalist with some health care.

What is your all time favorite TV Show?
That's tough, I hate to sound like a chick, but Sex and The City is my all time favorite. Although right now I'm really into True Blood. Talk about the other side of the spectrum...

What is your favorite post on Gawker.TV?
I have to agree with my fellow intern Emily Farris and say Double Rainbow man. No one gets that excited about rainbows. No one.

What experiences did you hope to gain from this internship?
I wanted to see what it'd be like to work at Gawker Media, along side some really hilarious writers - oh, and to learn how to edit videos and look for great content.

Did your Gawker.TV internship live up to your expectations? How so?
It did. We got to do real writing, editing, pitching, etc. Blakeley never asked us to get his dry cleaning or pick up his lunch. It's just a great place to be.

Was there something in particular that you learned from this internship that you didn't know before you started?
It takes more of a skill than I realized to find good content to publish. I also learned you need to promote your own work if you want people to see it.

What has been your favorite part about your internship?
Aside from the job itself, probably the other interns and employees. It's a lot of fun here.

What skills do you feel you've gained as a result of this internship?
I can edit videos now and have a better idea of what people actually watch on the internet.

What was the biggest surprise you encountered interning at Gawker.TV?
Our office is a four story walk-up, and guess what? You're always panting when you walk in here.

How does this internship differ from any other previous internships you might have had in the past?
Like I've said, they really value us. I know that's not always the case everywhere else.

If you could, would you intern here all over again?

Would you recommend interning for Gawker.TV to others?
I absolutely would.

Do you have any tips or advice you would give future Gawker.TV interns?
Always search the site and make sure the video you're going to pitch hasn't been up already. Seriously.

Do you have any ideas on how we can improve the internship program?
I know with computer space one intern had to be away from the rest of us, way across the office. I think it'd be nice to try and have us all together. But that's not really a big issue.

What do you hope to do once you finish your internship?
Get a job I love half as much as interning here. Possibly find where Zach Galifinakis lives in Brooklyn and thank him for all the amazing material I go through for possible pitches for the site. But mostly the first part.

Any regrets?
Aside from wishing I brushed my hair for the day this picture was taken? Not really. Just that I wouldn't have bugged Whitney Jefferson with six million questions a day. She's a good sport. Sorry Whitney.

Follow Michelle on Twitter @MichelleCatchy, on tumblr, read her on The Huffington Post, and email her here.

If you or someone you know is interested in interning at Gawker.TV send an email to for more information.