Live Blogging Top Chef, Week 3

It's been pretty hot out lately, so you'd probably like to try something cool, wouldn't you? Well, how about live-blogging Top Chef with us? That's cool! It's more interesting than sticking your head in a freezer, anyway.
For those of you who've never joined this Wednesday-night party of ours before, here's what to do: At 9 Eastern, turn on Bravo and start watching Top Chef. Then, whenever the spirit moves you, post wry observations and witticisms about the show in the comments section below this post. The rest of us will be doing the same. Wry observations and witticisms, got it? OK, good. Here are a few highlights from our last get-together just to get you in the right frame of mind:
- Commenter Old Ocho dubbed Tracey "Rosanne Bandananana," while dippitydoo suggested we call her "Rosanna Rosannabandana." We're zeroing in on a great nickname here … a few more tries, I think, and we'll have it nailed.
- Angelo put his "liquid love" in a sandwich. I guess when you don't have any mayo handy, sometimes you have to improvise.
- Commenter carlinemom arrived at the live blog so late, she said, "I feel like Lindsay Lohan walking into court!"
- We noticed that many of the female chefs have celebrity doppelgangers: Tiffany resembles Angela Basset, Tracey evokes Rosie O'Donnell and Kelly looks like Amy Ryan. We never really settled on whether Jacqueline looked more like the young Meryl Streep or her daughter, Mamie Gummer, but the point is now moot since Jackie got the boot.
- Commenter AnnieSaBu insightfully observed that Padma's voice "has the unique ability to make everything, including winning, a little bit sadder. ‘Congratulations,' she says. But really, what you hear is, ‘we're all going to die someday.'"
Hey, speaking of death: I almost died laughing when I re-read everyone's comments from last week's live blog. I've collected a few of my favorites, so check it out when you get the chance. Meanwhile, I've checked out the preview clips of tonight's episode, and found a few interesting things for us to watch for tonight. For example:
- The quickfire will remind us how alien dessert-making is to many chefs. When told they will have to bake a pie, the cheftestants' faces will look like they've just been told they have to build a catapult and kill unicorns with it.
- We will learn what many chefs are not. Arnold is not a grilling expert. Tiffany will tell us "I'm not the measuring-out type." Alex will say: "I'm not a pie kind of guy." At this rate, we may actually learn what some of these people actually are through a gradual process of elimination.
- The chefs will travel to Mount Vernon, NY, to see the homestead of Denzel Washington. At least, I think that's what I remember hearing in the promo. There was something about Mount Vernon and Washington, anyway.
- Arnold will report the following about an interaction he had with Kenny: "He's doing it and I'm doing it and his flame goes poof and my flame goes poof, and I know I'm all good." And you know what? I believe him! Because nothing says "all good" like multiple flaming poofs.
OK, all you cool cats—it's nearly 9 pm, and time to start live-blogging. See you down in the comments!