In this exclusive clip of the new season of Fantasy Factory, Rob Dyrdek convinces cousin Chris "Drama'' Pfaff to take a spin in his Go-Kart. As with most instances of peer pressure, this one ends with some serious whiplash.

To see how this experiment in awesomeness ends (and you know you want to) tune in the ole' rabbit ears to MTV on Monday, July 12th @ 9:30 pm (that's eastern AND pacific). In the episode Rob and Vaughn Gittin Jr. attempt to combine Drift Racing and Skateboarding into a four armed, one eyed bastard child who's name will no doubt be Professor Badass.

Season three promises to be the most awesometastic yet with stunts that include a death-defying leap from a 5 story building and making the most expensive grilled cheese ever (WIN). Rob Ramps ramps up the excitement this time around as old friends Drama, Chanel, Scott "Big Cat" Pfaff and Rob's Manager Jeremy team up with special celebrity guests from the world of Music, Extreme sports and Hollywood for an absolute orgy of good times with just a hint of body butter.

Follow @robdyrdek on Twitter to hear more from Rob about what he describes as "the most insane season of television" he's ever taken part in.