If you're a toddler who's at the beach and screaming, "Mommy, get it off!" re: your oil-soaked feet, you probably don't want to hear, "Rub it!" in response. But that's what happened yesterday in Destin, Florida. The disturbing video, inside.

This video, shot and uploaded yesterday by YouTube user CopperTheRabbitDog, paints a grim picture of a Destin beach, littered with oil that drifted ashore following BP's Gulf spill.

What's more disturbing than the fact that the beach is so contaminated, however, is the fact that many people—including visibly distressed children—are actually playing in the sand and water.

And to top it all off, the woman featured in the video seems to have no concern for the fact that a) she's allowing her daughter to play on a contaminated beach, b) her daughter is quite upset about having oil all over her feet, and c) the little girl doesn't think that, "Rub it!" is a sufficient solution to the problem.

The bottom line here is this: if even your toddler isn't buying what you're saying, you might want to rethink a few things. Ugh.

[YouTube via Runnin' Scared]