Live Blogging Top Chef, Week 2

Hey, folks! What's on your menu of activities for this evening? Hanging out in the kitchen? Deconstructing borscht? Well, join our commenter live blog and help us deconstruct Top Chef instead! It can't be beet!
The live blog happens in the comments section under this post, where all are welcome to join, and the show starts on Bravo at 9 pm Eastern. Also, at 10 pm, we can hang around and live blog Work of Art, Bravo's new reality competition for artists, which sounded lame as a concept but is actually turning out to be surprisingly good.
Nothing is surprising about how good the comments were during the Top Chef live blog we held here last week. I've gathered a few of my favorites in this "highlights" post—so when you get a chance, read it and laugh! But first, read through these other highlights from last week:
- Many commenters remarked on the prodigious size of Padma Lakshmi's post-partum boobs. Commenter Son of Spam, for example, marveled that "the Maginot Line wouldn't withstand those cannons!" Lizawithazee even gave them a nickname: "Rack of Padma."
- We noticed that—like a Monet—Angelo looks more attractive from a distance than he does up close. Hence, we decided his nickname will be—as commenter DahlELama suggested—"Full-on Monet." Either that or "Lavender Pants," because … well, he was wearing lavender pants. Sometimes nicknames are just literal that way.
- Several commenters noticed that this season's Top Chef Kitchen is located in the hotel where Reagan was shot—aka the "Hinckley Hilton." Perhaps the Watergate Hotel wasn't available?
- Just when commenter katekate is squared came up with the best nickname of the evening—"Judge Dread" for crazy hippie John—the dreadlocked one was sent packing. This always seems to happen. We call it: "the curse of the good nickname."
- Commenter BBQ Cornnuts reported that she was late because "my son painted the baby"—which has to be the be the best explanation for being late to a live blog ever.
OK, unless any of your kids are painting other kids, be sure not to be late to tonight's live blog, because it figures to be a good one. Here are a few things to watch for on this evening's episode:
- In the quickfire challenge the chefs will have to compete in pairs, wearing a single apron that binds them together, three-legged-race style. Tim will say: "Who got high and came up with this idea?"—after which, the editors will immediately cut to a shot of Padma. Very sly, Bravo … very sly!
- Tracey will make a point of telling us that she's got a "secret crush" on Angelo—apparently just to alert us to the fact that she's not a lesbian, even though she happens to look like Rosie O'Donnell.
- The guest judge will be White House chef Sam Kass, whose specialty is a dessert called "Yes We Cannoli." Actually, that's not true … but it should be.
- Angelo will attempt, unsuccessfully, to grab Kenny's whipped-cream gun. I mentioned because … well, I just wanted to work the phrase "Kenny's whipped cream gun" into a sentence. Success!
Ok, it's nearly 9 pm. Time to get this borscht party started. See you in the comments, comrades!