The baby-faced leather daddy cop from Lady Gaga's "Alejandro" video has a name: Arkady. He is a 30-year-old Russian billionaire, and he paid $1 million for the cameo in Gaga's video, reports a Russian tabloid. Do we believe it?

Popeater translates's report, summarizing:

The 30-year-old mystery billionaire, identified only as "Arkady," is reportedly a huge Gaga fan (duh) who just couldn't live without being immortalized in her latest 9-minute mini-movie. When asked for comment, he responded, "Yes it was me in the clip, but I can't give further details."

My search for Arkady in the Forbes Billionaire list failed. (The only "Arcadi" this one. But if slogging through Tolstoy has taught me anything, it's that Russians have unpredictable nicknames, so who knows.)

Arkady's "Alejandro" cameo begins at 7:05 below. Wearing the black leather uniform of some parallel-universe S&M police state, he stands pensive amid a fiery tableau of police brutality and destruction. Maybe they're lighting fire to all his rubles?