Inside Lots-o'-Huggin Bear, aka Pixar's Viral Campaign for Toy Story 3
Have you ever heard of Lots-o'-Huggin Bear? Did you play with the toy as a child? No? Us either. As it turns out, it's because the toy never existed in the 80s, as these YouTube videos would suggest.
Turns out, the marketers wanted to reach more than the "parents and children" demographic and created these videos in hopes of reaching the teens and 20-somethings that loved the original Toy Story movie years ago.
Here's the video for Lots-o'-Huggin Bear:
And a Japanese version as well!
Read more here:
Was Pixar behind that viral bear ad? The 'TOY STORY 3' writer talks [Washington Post]
'Toy Story 3' Perfects Audience Targeting With Social Campaign [Clickz]