Well, murderer Ronnie Lee Gardner was executed by firing squad this morning in Utah. We just read all about it on Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff's Twitter account. Please do not retweet.

Last night, Shurtleff tweeted the following:

A solemn day. Barring a stay by Sup Ct, & with my final nod, Utah will use most extreme power & execute a killer. Mourn his victims. Justiceless than a minute ago via TwitBird iPhone

Mark Shurtleff

I just gave the go ahead to Corrections Director to proceed with Gardner's execution. May God grant him the mercy he denied his victims.less than a minute ago via TwitBird iPhone

Mark Shurtleff

We will be streaming live my press conference as soon as I'm told Gardner is dead. Watch it at www.attorneygeneral.Utah.gov/live.htmlless than a minute ago via TwitBird iPhone

Mark Shurtleff

Jesus Christ. At least he didn't check into the execution chamber on Foursquare.