Former British conservative prime minister Margaret Thatcher is old and sick and barely does anything anymore. But now Sarah Palin wants a photo-op, so Thatcher may just drag herself out of bed yet, to be polite.

The British Daily Mail reports on these stunning, ongoing informal talks between an actual effective politician and national leader of 12 years and her counterpart, the Alaskan idiot profiteer:

Controversial US politician Sarah Palin could soon be on her way to Britain to boost her hopes of challenging Barack Obama in the 2012 US presidential election.

Her representatives approached Margaret Thatcher to ask for a meeting as part of a bid to enhance her claim to be the ‘heir to Ronald Reagan' and prepare to challenge Mr Obama.

And Lady Thatcher has agreed to see Mrs Palin, who stood as the Republican vice-presidential candidate in 2008. A spokesman said: ‘We had an informal approach asking if Lady Thatcher would meet Mrs Palin if she comes to Britain and we said yes.'

That's very friendly of Lady Thatcher, agreeing to this nonsense. While we're thinking of "British people," though, what about David Cameron, the posh new Tory Prime Minister? Would Palin even want to meet someone with a well-known reputation for believing in Science? She has not contacted him yet, according to the Mail:

One individual involved in the talks about the visit said: ‘Palin's people haven't said anything about meeting Cameron. Their main interest is getting a picture of her with Lady Thatcher. I'm not sure they know who David Cameron is.'

[Image via AP]