Ryan Seacrest Will Be the Next Oprah

If Les Moonves has anything to say about it, at least. Also today: a disproportionate amount of theatre news involving elves and vampires, that idiot movie casts another idiot, and the woeful tale of D.L. Hughley.
There is a rumor afoot that Ryan Seacrest — smooth-haired lioness of radio and television — may be leaving his morning radio show and headed to a CBS TV talk show. Basically that he'd be positioned as a male Oprah. He already had a daytime talk show back in 2004, but that was more of an entertainment kinda TRL-y sorta thing. This would be different. Perhaps more emotional? I can't think of anything more awkward in the world, so I hope it happens. [LARadio]
Kristen Stewart, the cheerful star of the award-winning indie series Twilight: A Tale of Female Empowerment, might be looking to star in a theater play in the West End of London, England. What role should she take?? I could see her as a sunny and chipper Nellie Forbush in South Pacific. Or what about dizzy single city gal Millie in Thoroughly Modern Millie? She'd be perfect for those roles! Just don't put her in anything belabored and faux-gritty like subUrbia or an Adam Rapp play. She wouldn't fit in there at all. [Deadline]
Man, we keep talking about this My Idiot Brother movie. First it was Paul Rudd getting cast, then all of his sisters, and now Adam Scott has been added to the crew. You know Adam Scott. He's the guy who's in a lot of stuff and sort of looks like Wes Bentley. Very often he plays an asshole or someone sarcastic? He's on Party Down, that show on the Starz network, a channel that everyone everywhere watches. Anyway. He's going to play a friend or neighbor of Rudd's or something. This is one hip cast! Watch out, Betty White's gonna be next. [Variety]
Hey speaking of Kristen Stewart and the Twilight wonderments, the final book, Professor Eddie J. Nighttime's Deep Dongin', is going to be split into two movies, as has long been rumored. This is very good news for people whose lives will end forever once everything Twilight-related has been fully used up and exhausted. One more stay of execution, everyone! Now put the Muse back on and go make some Kraft Mac & Cheese while the Florida sun dances like happy ghosts in the green green yard. [THR]
Hey speaking of Kristen Stewart and theater, Elf, the Will Ferrell joint, is being made into a Broadway musical extravaganza. It'll be a limited holiday-time run, because no one wants to be reminded of Christmas in the summertime. This actor named Christian Anderson is going to play Buddy the elf, which is just strange because a million and a half years ago I used to watch Christian Anderson be addicted to drugs and swear a lot when he was an understudy in the first touring company of Rent. Changes! [NYT]
Poor D.L. Hughley. For a while there he was having a good run — popular-ish sitcom, role on a bigtime Aaron Sorkin show, CNN news & opinion program — but now... well, now it's all sorta sputtered out. So he's going to host a game show, called Who's Bluffing Who? about people lying to get a half a million dollars. The ultimate bluff is that D.L. is actually just a contestant on the show. Sigh. [THR]