South Carolina Senator Calls Indian Gubernatorial Candidate a 'Raghead'

South Carolina Republican gubernatorial candidate Nikki Haley may or may not have had an affair with two dudes. Regardless, a South Carolina state senator said on a talk show that South Carolina doesn't need a "raghead" for a governor.
Republican state Senator Jake Knotts said on a radio talk show:
We already got one raghead in the White House, we don't need a raghead in the governor's mansion.
(Haley is of Indian descent and was raised Sikh.) In response to this, Democratic state senator Boy Brown—who was also on the show—told CNN
He said some things he shouldn't have said. That's Jakey.
There goes Jakey with his vile racism again. Haw haw, you should have seen him at the Lincoln High Football benefit BBQ last year—he had a couple funny things to say about Mexicans! South Carolina is clearly jealous of Alabama for getting all the attention for its ridiculous politics.