What is happening in our inexplicably awful and violent world today? Well there was another stabbing rampage in China, of course—this one on a train. It was unspeakably nightmarish! That was just for starters.

  • In China: "The woman, who was not identified, went from berth to berth [on a train] stabbing sleeping passengers until she was wrestled to the ground and restrained by other travellers."
  • In England: Derrick Bird, a 52 year-old taxi driver, went on a three-hour shooting rampage, killing 12 people and wounding 25 before shooting himself. "Newspaper accounts said Mr. Bird shot his first victim, another taxi driver, in the head at close range in Whitehaven, a quiet coastal town, before shooting two other drivers and getting into his car and continuing to shoot as he drove south, apparently at random, through the shattered windshield of his car."
  • And in Los Angeles: A porn actor who was facing eviction from the porn DVD warehouse where he lived "went on the rampage with a machete-type prop weapon used in porn production at the building," killing one and injuring two others.

Wednesdays, Jesus.
[Pic: AP]