OMGAGA! Tonight's episode of Larry King Live was an hour full of Lady Gaga goodness—and it delivered. Video of the best moments—awkward exchanges, Gaga's thoughts on fame and religion, a preview of the "Alejandro" video, and more—is inside.

The Freaky Intro

Who knew that hearing King say "freak" in a voiceover could be so entertaining?

Name Butchering

When King attempted to ask Gaga how she got her name, he had some trouble pronouncing the one with which she was born.

Gaga's Michael Jackson Revelation

Did you know that Gaga was set to open for Jackson's "This Is It" tour? Well, you do now.

Gaga and the Gays

Here, Gaga explains her connection with the gay community.

I'll Sleep Stop Performing When I'm Dead

When King asked Gaga what she'd be doing if she weren't in show business, her answer was painfully, earnestly and beautifully blunt. The best part of this clip, however, is the fact that King said, "We have a Tweeter question twitted to us."


Here's the exclusive preview of the music video for Gaga's newest single, "Alejandro," which she said would be released in full within the next few days.

When We Die...

So, does Gaga believe in the afterlife? Where does she think she'll end up once she dies? Let's find out.

Shady King!

This really is the best way to end this—or any—post: King trying to be hip by putting on sunglasses in Gaga's honor.

[Larry King Live]