The standard on So You Think You Can Dance is skinny ballerinas, smoldering salsa dancers, and buff b-boys. But screw that. This chubby contemporary dancer brought it with her audition and blew everyone away. Video of her incredible performance inside.

Her surprising technique and control over her body sure made new full-time judge Adam Shankman feel like a real dick for stigmatizing fat chicks with dancing dreams. That's probably why he cried like a little bitch. Mia Michaels (yay she's back!), however, was brought to tears because Megan Carter reminded her of her own struggles as a larger dancer.

Even though 18-year-old Megan didn't get a ticket to Vegas, on account of her less than stellar choreography round, there's no denying that she can move better than 90% of the people I know... myself included.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go try and do a split or something. This girl makes me feel bad about my own lack of talent.