David Byrne, former frontman of the Talking Heads, is suing Florida Governor and Senate candidate Charlie Crist for using the band's song "Road to Nowhere" in campaign ads. Who knew Charlie Crist had good taste? Plus: Talking Heads jokes!

"Road to Nowhere" is one of the best songs on the Talking Heads' Little Creatures, also known as the band's last halfway-decent album.

Earlier this year, Crist decided to pull up the roots of his campaign out of the swamp of the Republican primary, burning down the (metaphorical) house he had once lived in and making a once in a lifetime move to run as an independent (Crist's time as a Republican Senate candidate in four words? Think "love -> building on fire"). Life in wartime didn't seem to suit Crist, who has never been a psycho killer on the campaign trail.

The campaign video, which was originally seen (and not seen) on YouTube and on Crist's website, was aimed at Crist's opponent Republican Marco Rubio—whose "don't worry about the government" platform seemed to be the thing connecting most to the slippery people voting in the Republican primary.

But Florida is the big country! Crist may have found a job as an independent politician—despite the great curve he'd thrown—and moderate Florida voters seemed to say, of the newly-independent, frequently-rumored-to-be-gay Crist, "girlfriend is better!"

Until David Byrne stepped in to say "artists only" of the song Crist was using in the ad. A warning sign to Crist? His campaign has since pulled up the ads.

[Billboard.com; pics via AP, Getty]