Live Blogging Top Chef Masters, Week 7

Time for another of our Wednesday night commenting parties. Ever sampled one of these Gawker live blogs before? Like exotic meats, they are adventurous—and yet they all taste like chicken! And who doesn't love chicken? So join us!
The commenter crowd who cook up this live blog each week are the culinary wizards of quick-wittery—and you haven't joined their ranks before, you can do so in a snap: Just turn on Bravo, grab a drink (or your substance of choice), watch the show and post comments on it below. You'll have fun, and learn things too—like I did last week! For example, I learned that commenters dippitydoo, Heneage and Jessizca have all eaten Kangaroo meat, although they didn't say whether it tastes like chicken. I also learned that cilantro is a highly polarizing foodstuff—some commenters hate it (including DahlELama, belltolls and Dolemite), while others swear by it (including katekate, robina and Mo MoDo). Finally, I learned that Hank Azaria is not like cilantro, because everybody loves Hank Azaria. I guess he's kind of like bacon that way.
But I'll tell you was not a highlight last week: That hideous Marge Simpson head Susur Lee made out of food. That was one of the scariest, ugliest edible things I've ever seen. Seriously, I think I'm gonna have nightmares about that thing for weeks.
OK, before I get into dispensing a few tidbits on what we can expect see while we live-blog tonight's show, I have an important request to make, concerning a spoiler that's floating around about which chef will win this season. I accidentally saw this spoiler and I'm pissed, because the same thing happened to me during the first season of this show and that spoiler turned out to be true! So if anyone has heard this one, please do not repeat it in this live blog. Spoilers suck! Just say no to spoilage!
OK, on to tonight's episode. I've watched the preview clips, here are few things to watch for:
- In the quickfire challenge, each chef will have to cook some kind of leg, such as a crab or rabbit leg. We'll be told that an Olympic swimmer Jason Lezak will guest-judge the challenge because he has really strong legs. I guess if the guest judge had competed in an Olympic shooting event, they'd make the chefs cook eyeballs.
- With great ceremony, Susur will throw a blender in the trash. The purpose of this ritual is probably a secret known only to the elite cadre of Kitchen Ninjas to which he belongs.
- The elimination challenge will be cater a tailgate party at a football game, using only charcoal grills to cook on. This is kind of all-American challenge they love to trip up the foreign chefs with. Expect to see Susur and Marcus Samuelsson making lots of "what the hell?" faces.
OK, you bunch of crazy Kangaroo-eaters—the show's about to start, so let's get hopping. See you down under … in the comments section!