LIVE: LOST, Season Six, Episode 16
It's that time again-time to put a wrench in the smoothness of your day and get all befuddled as you watch tonight's new episode of LOST. Luckily, you'll be in good company. More inside, plus your open thread for discussion.

First up, a treat! Tracie's made another one of her awesome LOST-related supercuts. This time, it's a video of every person who's ever died on the show. Click here to watch.
The big event, of course, starts at 9:00 PM ET on ABC.
If you're behind on any of the other action—or just want a little refresher—here's a list of links that will undoubtedly help you out:
- As far as video recaps go, this one—Everything You Need to Know about LOST in Eight Minutes and Fifteen Seconds—is the best.
- If you prefer to get your learn on by reading, check out Richard Lawson's epic brain dump, Everything That's Happened on LOST So Far, Just from Memory You may also be interested in his WTF moment of last week's episode.
- Also amazing (as is everything she does) is Tracie's recap of last week's episode over at Jezebel. Click here to check it out.
- If you'd like to spend some time having lots of fun (and if you like nostalgia), check out Gawker.TV's LOST: Choose Your Own Adventure game.
- And finally, for everything else LOST on Gawker.TV, click here.
If you haven't participated in one of our live blogs before, don't fret—it's easy! All you need to do is tune your TV to ABC, watch the show, and discuss all the action with everyone else in the comments. It's really as simple as that. If you don't have a commenter account, just sign up for one (it literally takes seconds) and we'll get you approved and in on the action right away.
That's about it, really. Have fun!