Don't Tell Keanu Reeves When to Go to Bed

Keanue Reeves will go to sleep when Keanu Reeves wants and Keanu Reeves will wake up when Keanu Reeves wants. Also today: Lots of casting news from Cannes, some TV pilot information, and an American Idol miracle.
British actor Matthew Goode, who plays languidly sexy pretty often and pretty well, has signed on to a movie called Burning Man. No, it's not about the desert festival where you had the threesome with Timmy's friend Rita and that girl named Morgana. It's about an English chef with a fancy restaurant on Bondi Beach in Australia who's constantly doing it with beautiful women. Why on Earth would he want to do this movie? [THR]
Frances McDormand, also languidly sexy in her own way, is about to jump aboard a movie called This Must Be the Place, about an aging rock and roller (Sean Penn) who goes hunting Nazis. Yep. That is what the movie is about. No one knows yet what McDormand is going to play, but one hopes it's an old Nazi. That would be fascinating. [Variety]
Woody Allen, whose You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger did not fare terribly well at Cannes, is already hard at work on his next movie, Midnight in Paris. He's just brought Adrien Brody onto the project, which was already heavily loaded with people like Rachel McAdams, Owen Wilson, Marion Cotillard, Kathy Bates, and France's first lady, Carla Bruni. That's like when Allen wanted to cast Barbara Bush in the Gena Rowlands role for Another Woman, but H.W. didn't think it was good politics for a Republican first lady to be in a movie directed by "that fellow." Sarkozy doesn't care, though! He's French! [THR]
Aha! American Idol, the nation's favorite college a cappella auditions, will be shortened for next year's worrisome Simon-less season. Oh, ha, but away the bubbly. Not by very much. Basically there's a half hour getting cut off the performance episode and then another half hour cut from the results show. So that's an hour! Meaning the show will only be on sixteen hours a week. It'll be over before you know it! [Deadline]
Keanu Reeves is once again having problems with robots. They're keeping him asleep again! Luckily this time it's not to suck out his human electricity and then feed his corpse goo to a baby. No, this time they're keeping him asleep so he can survive a 120-year trip through space to a distant colony. Unfortunately he wakes up and is lonely so he wakes another lady up and they fall in love but then the ship breaks and she finds out that he basically doomed her to dying on the spaceship. There is a Tommy Lee Jones-esque crusty old robot and a funny Eddie Izzard-y "humanoid" robot. The film is called Passengers and it sounds like Wall-E, with people. Or something. [THR]
Why does the world want us to have Alex O'Loughlin so much? They just really, really want us to have Alex O'Loughlin. Though I think we've spoken pretty plainly that we do not, in fact, want Alex O'Loughlin. We didn't want him in Vampire McGillicuddy or whatever that show was called. We didn't want him in the Pittsburgh organ donors show. And we didn't want him in The Back-Up Plan (J. Lo's back-up plan was apparently to just make more bad movies). We just don't want Alex O'Loughlin, but he keeps getting foisted on us. He's like a more almond-faced Gerard Butler. Well now CBS has picked up his next TV show that no one will like, a Hawaii 5-0 update. Book him, Danno. That's what one casting agent says to another casting agent, named Danno, when watching an Alex O'Loughlin audition. Guy must have the best agent in the world. His agent is the same as Jessica Alba or Eva Mendes' agent. Meaning, his agent is named Ima Tractive. [EW]