The Beefcake-Turned-Senator: Scott Brown's Model Card
Before he was America's favorite naked senator, Massachusetts Republican Scott Brown used to be a model with "Excellent Hands" and "perfect nails." See the only sitting senator whose pubes have been photographed for Cosmo gaze mistily into a middle distance.
The Huffington Post directed us today to the Peter Marlowe Model Composite Archives, featuring the "Height 6'1 Suit Size 40R-L" Republican senator's model cards from 1983 and 1989.

This 1983 Wilhelmina Models card is like a series of still from Wall Street.

This 1989 Maggie Inc. card reveals a 32" waist, size 10 shoes, and "excellent hands."

The same 1989 Maggie card reminds me of these images of the Kennedys.