Lawyer Casey Greenfield's media career used to revolve around her relationship with her CBS correspondent father. Then she had CNN correspondent Jeff Toobin's out-of-wedlock child, fought him in court, and reinvented herself. New area of expertise: Being a spurned lover.

Greenfield and Toobin's child was born a year ago and their relationship dissolved sometime before that, but the peculiar ballad of Casey and Jeff plays on, in the elliptical first person and under Casey's byline. Under the guise of reviewing J. Lo's single mom movie Back-Up Plan, Greenfield wrote last month about the tribulations and triumphs of choosing "to keep a pregnancy by a guy who wasn't around." And in a Slate column today, Casey applies her legal acumen to a quintessential spurned lover quandary: "For This Ring I Thee Sue: If the bride calls off the engagement, can she keep her diamond?"

Slate is an interesting vehicle for Casey, since her writing has appeared in their pages before, albeit with a co-writer: Her father Jeff Greenfield, CBS legal analyst and televised competitor of Toobin. That time around, Casey played the bright, rebellious ingenue—young heiress to an intellectual tradition that she feistily challenged, in an email sparring match with her father, which Slate published.

As Casey explores the journalistic possibilities of her new role, tawdry details from Toobin's affair with the "pretty, ginger-haired, Yale-educated lawyer and writer" are making a belated return to the gossip pages. Just yesterday, the New York Daily News' Rush & Molloy devoted a column to how Jeff tried to push Casey into abortion. (She refused.)

So is Casey's budding public profile that of an upscale, legal-eagle version of scorned lover media personalities of yore (Heather Mills, Rachel Uchitel, and Madoff mistress-turned-memoirist Sheryl Weinstein come to mind) or would she be a better fit for the mommy memoir crowd, equally tender and pragmatic? The working single mom who took the lemons of dastardly Jeff Toobin's spurned love, and made it into lemonade: a new career. [Slate, R&M]

Previously: Jeffrey Toobin Graciously Offered to Pay for Mistress' Abortion
Jeffrey Toobin's Rumored Baby Mama Writes About Raising His Rumored Baby