Live Blogging Top Chef Masters, Week 5

Happy Cinco de Mayo, amigos! Why not celebrate by mixing up a margarita and joining our group live blog of Top Chef Masters in the comments section under this post? You'll be living la vida loca in no time!
Tonight's commenting fiesta should be a blast, if it's anything like our last get-together was. For a sampling of a few of my favorite comments from that one, click here. The many highlights from our last live blog included the following:
- Commenter Jessizca came up with a new dish-naming idea for born-again chef Rick Tramonto: "Jus for Jesus."
- Commenting on the fact that Susur Lee was the only chef last week who'd never won a James Beard Award, robina noted: "He can probably dance on bamboo trees, so it evens out."
- GonzoMaz didn't like it when Jody Adams talked about sex, comparing it to Mrs. Cunningham "feeling frisky" on Happy Days.
- We were not happy when a Bravo promo clip spoiled the episode's outcome by revealing the final winner 15 minutes before it ended. In fact, to paraphrase Susur, it really bugged our ass.
What probably won't bug our ass, though, is tonight's episode (which airs on Bravo at 10 pm Eastern). I predict it will make our asses happy instead. That's because, starting tonight, the show will change to the regular (and superior) Top Chef format: That is, from now on, the same group will hang around every episode and only one chef will be eliminated per week — unlike the prior patter of introducing a new group of chefs each week and then eliminating most of them, which was no fun at all. Here are a few other not-unfun things to watch for as we live-blog tonight's episode:
- The quickfire challenge will be the "tag team cook-off" — a two-team relay in which chefs from each team take turns creating a single, improvised dish. This was a very cool challenge on regular Top Chef, so I'm looking forward to seeing "masters" take a whack at it tonight.
- Rick Moonen and Susur Lee will have their own mini-competition to see who can steal the most camera time by being a "character." I suspect Lee will win, unless Rick starts drinking again.
- In a wedding-themed challenge, the chefs will compete to create the best edible underwear for the newlyweds' honeymoon. Actually, I just made that up — they'll really just cater a wedding reception. I like my idea better, though.
- Jonathan Waxman may be the Obi-Wan Kenobe of cooking, but tonight he may prove to be the Jar Jar Binks of cake decorating. Click here to see a picture of his wedding-cake handiwork from tonight's episode and you'll see what I mean.
OK, time to grab that margarita, head down to the comments section and get this fiesta started. Vamanos, amigos!