In the animated segment from the universally reviled anti-Mormon cartoon, The God Makers, the LDS deity Elohim has "endless celestial sex" with his goddess wives before starting a race war, boning the virgin Mary, and sending Jesus to North America.

Most of the mythology the cartoon presents is just that: a myth, a misrepresentation of real Mormon teachings meant to skew facts to deter converts. The animation and its source film were produced by a pair of ex-Mormons bent on defaming the church that excommunicated them. The God Makers takes bits of Mormon truths and mixes in lies, augmenting the most sensationalist beliefs' real importance within the faith. All religions' tenets are unbelievable—such is the nature of faith. Whether God's talking to Moses through a burning bush or to Joseph Smith through his hat (yeah, the cartoon left that one out), everything said sounds just as crazy.

[via YouTube]