Remember that time some kid hacked Sarah Palin's email, and then slutty gossip sites published the screenshots? Homeboy's now on trial, and Sarah was a witness today. What did she say?

Not much actually. According to the AP, Palin "smiled almost constantly through 30 minutes of testimony as she told jurors about the disruption the hacking caused for her family and close friends."

Outside the courtroom, Palin was asked if the charges against former University of Tennessee student David Kernell—which could put him behind bars for 50 years—were excessive. "I don't know," the former governor of Alaska said, "but I do think there should be consequences for bad behavior." If that was the way the world worked, then maybe a woman who faced a gazillion ethics complaints, blew $150,000 of party money on a shopping spree and quit being governor barely halfway through her first term wouldn't have made $12 million in the past year? [Image via AP]