Today at Gawker.TV, Jon Stewart has strong words for the extremists threatening South Park, Senator Scott Brown responds to that SNL sketch, and The Marriage Ref thinks it's just fine to duck tape you wife's mouth shut, and more!

Jon Stewart to Extremists Threating South Park Creators: "Go Fu*ck Yourself"
Combined with an absolutely epic collection of old clips from past Daily Shows, Jon took on the Muslim Extremists who threatened South Park with the same subtlety he gave to Fox News.

Senator Scott Brown Responds to SNL Sketch With a Wink and a Smile
On The Today Show's exclusive glimpse into the life of Scott Brown, the Senator was asked what he thought of Jon Hamm's portrayal of him as the Democratic party's subconscious sex symbol. Unsurprisingly, the former male model loved it.

The Marriage Ref Thinks Duct Taping Your Wife's Mouth is Hilarious
The Marriage Ref showed us a husband who's tired of his wife's constant nagging because he won't follow directions. Ending this segment—that was clearly stolen from Sinbad's standup act—the man wins the prize of a silent wife! Hooray!

CNN Accidentally Airs Lane Bryant Fat Joke Spoof
Say what you will about the Lane Bryant lingerie controversy, but you can't deny the hilarity of the situation that CNN has found itself in recently. When reporting the 'facts' on the issue, CNN accidentally aired HardtoLiveOnline's parody instead.

Joe Biden's F-Bomb is Contagious and Chris Matthews Caught It
Chris Matthews accidentally called his home network MF-NBC on yesterday's 5:00pm airing of Hardball. "MF-NBC" is actually what Fox prefers to call it.