Highlights From Last Week’s Project Runway Live Blog

Our commenter live-blog of the penultimate episode of the season was penultamazing! Read this sampling of comments to see why—and then make plans to join us here tonight as we live-blog the season finale.
The list below contains just a few of the hundreds of witty comments that appeared under last week's live blog post. For the final time this season (cause it's ending, you see) tonight's post will appear on Gawker at 9 pm Eastern, and the show will start on Lifetime at 10. See you then!
- Sheryl with an S: I would love to see Tim sitting at dinner with the designers and their families saying, "This roast isn't working for me. I would really love to see you reconceptualize those mashed potatoes and show me the wow factor in the green bean casserole."
- tipsy_hausfrau: @Sheryl with an S: "This flan...concerns me."
- GaddafisTentPitcher: Tim is Thor, and critical insight and keeping it real is his Mjöllnir.
- missing_piece: So if Tim Gunn came to your house and you and your family had to entertain him, what would you do? I'd make him decorate cupcakes with me, and play Mario Kart on the Wii.
- Jessizca: @missing_piece: I'd make him go through my entire closet with me and then eat corn dogs.
- Lizawithazee: @missing_piece: Serve copious pitchers of Manhattans, throw on some vintage disco and new wave, and have him help feed the chickens.
- ms.attitude: Tim on a tramp. Who'd've thunk it?
- Old Ocho: Where did they get that B-roll film of the Bronx?
- CaptainSnarky: @Old Ocho: "Good Times"?
- ms.attitude: Emilio's fishing for compliments from his family.
- Sheryl with an S: @ms.attitude: If I had to look to my family for positive reinforcement, I would be in serious trouble. "You're designing a gown? You couldn't even get a date for the prom!"
- eleusiswalks: Maybe Mila isn't a Romulan. Maybe she's an M-13 Salt Vampire. When Jay turns up dead, look for sucker marks.
- robina: I hope Mila remembers to turn off the cloaking device so Tim can find her house.
- Daisy Walker (the artist formerly known as ms-breve): I am shocked that Mila has a dalmatian. SHOCKED.
- AnnieSaBu: Mila should give her dog a few "aubergine" spots. For cohesion.
- Jessizca: I really hope she serves Tim black and white cookies
- Lizawithazee: Shinguards that won't zip up have been the downfall of so many designers.
- adiam7: Can we take a moment to imagine what could have been? Anthony's home visit! The southern spread, the pastor, the uncle, all that southern grace and charm. I am going to pour some mint julep on the floor.
- Sheryl with an S: I would have killed to have Tim visit Ping. She probably would have served a head of cabbage and Tang.
- NoodlePress: Why didn't we start the "Jay's crying" drinking game earlier?
- CaptainSnarky: @NoodlePress: Because we didn't want alcohol poisoning.
- AnnieSaBu: "Yaz will prevent pregnancy. It will also make you pee solid gold, which you can freeze and sell, and will make your fat cells not absorb any calories that come from dairy. Side effects include major artery combustion and toenails that grow in the shape of dragons."
- Jessizca: If Mila makes it to Bryant Park, she should arrive in a carriage pulled by zebras.
- just.a.smore: Ah, thank you closed captioning. Otherwise I would be up all night trying to spell "ongepotchket."