Kathie Lee and Hoda discussed the banned Lane Bryant lingerie ad this morning, and Kathie-Lee expressed her belief that its censorship was due to the fact that it did not promote the marital values that she and others hold dear.

Hoda sticks up for the advertisement, claiming that the text message featured in the advertisement (which is supposedly the main object of controversy) could be from the woman's husband, and yet, she doesn't mention the hypocrisy which is still apparent within Kathie Lee's particular justification of censorship. Victoria's Secret models certainly do not project any sort of the marital values which are held by Kathie Lee, writhing in lingerie with no apparent reason in mind other than titillation. Therefore the question comes back to whether this is a result of discrimination against women who do not conform to a particular body type, or whether there is even a more complex explanation as to why the ad remains banned.

However, they do show the original ad during their program, which is interesting because it has been taken down almost everywhere else. Here it is so you can keep up with the controversy.